Cladding Redecorations

The modernisation of the front facade in Belfast’s first Tesla garage in Boucher

Its coming into the time of a year where conditions of exterior painting work will be suitable. Every year Rekote Ltd quotes for and carries out exterior cladding decoration across NI.

Cladding revival at Multi Packaging Solutions in Mallusk

Maybe your cladding has never been painted, but the years have taken their toll leaving the substrate dull and tired in appearance. A splash of colou will more than make the difference

Modernisation of UFUC part of John Mullholland Motors.

Maybe your cladding is new, but doesn’t match the your company’s brand and possibility looks too similar to that of your competitors. Stand out from the crowd by matching your company colours.

Decoration of cladding to compliment branding ipdate at Mervyn Stewart a few years ago.

Or maybe its been painted before and its starting to wear. Get a more modern looking building with a semi gloss sheen.

Full decoration of cladding and windows at Smiley Munroe in Lisburn.

For any exterior painting and decorating, we’d love to provide advice and to quote for work without any obligation.

Call us anytime on 07515353006 or email us at